Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Meet my daddy, Ron.

I have truly been blessed with an amazing father.

I'd like to share a few reasons why I am grateful for him:
1. He is a worthy Priesthood holder
2. He is selfless
3. He is loving
4. He is thoughtful
5. He is understanding
6. He has a testimony of the gospel, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
7. He's not ashamed to cry
8. He sings random songs and uses stuffed animals to wake me up
9. He always has a smile on his face
10. He taught me to laugh, even when life is hard
11. He is forgiving
12. He's the best at bedroom cleaning checks (or the worst considering he actually looks under the bed haha)
13. He is friendly to everyone he meets
14. He is hardworking
15. He is honest
16. He is a patient coach
17. He knows when I need his love the most
18. He is able to give me blessings
19. He honors my mother and his marriage covenants
20. He is my role model, hero and friend.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yes...I am alive...

Just a quick hello to let you all know that I am still breathing. Life has been ridiculously crazy once again. But soon I'll be partying my pants off. Some quick updates:

1. School is over in 9 days....yep you read that right, 9 DAYS!!! :)
2. I've been working about 40 hours a week. Gotta love the theater.
3. I get to go to San Diego this weekend <3
4. I get to spend the night in Vegas! I'm super excited and now that I'm 21 I could get pretty crazy if I wanted ;)
5. I've been reading tons for my children's literature class. New favorites: Waiting for Normal and Bridge to Teribithia
6. Read the Book is amazing. Next book on my list The Help
7. I've finally been working out again! Big thanks to Nate for being my personal trainer. Without him I would most likely still be a bum and now I'm gonna have one hot bod (always!) hahaha
8. I'M 21!!! Yeah I have yet to post about my amazing birthday but I promise it will come soon.
9. Dusty is doing great. Sadly we haven't gone on any crazy adventures lately but I still need to post our crazy night out from like a month ago. It was pretty epic :)
10. I'm gonna be an auntie to another nephew. Only about a month to go, it's so exciting. I can't wait to meet you Crew.
11. I've been addicted to Jamba Juice. Delicious stuff.
12. Still playing soccer and it's still the highlight of my week.

I think that covers the most of it. Hopefully I'll put up an exciting post after this weekend's road trip :)