I have sooo much to be grateful for. And lucky for me it's November, the perfect time to reflect on everything I am thankful for.
1. Family: Is there really much more you can say? I have the greatest family I could ask for. My parents and siblings are my best friends. They know everything there is about me and all the latest drama in my life. I wouldn't have it any other way. We laugh, smile, cry, fight and joke together. That's the way it's supposed to be. I feel as though I should add my latest favorite mommy quotes:
- A text I received the other night: "I know retard. Cute not bright."
- A facebook post: "You're a wonderful auntie, miss you we need a long weekend so I can laugh with you. I am so proud of all you do and always with a smile well except that pedicure moment..."
I feel I should add the fact that she gives in sometimes and refers to me as mama! Seriously she makes me laugh and smile like no other.
2. I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have had my own struggles and weaknesses over the past years but I have never doubted in the truthfulness of the gospel. I know that my Heavenly Father lives. I am a daughter of God who has been blessed with a loving family here on earth. I know that my Savior and brother, Jesus Christ lived on the earth. He suffered and died for each and everyone of us. I am grateful that through him I have the opportunity to repent and partake of His Atonement. My Heavenly Father and Savior are my best friends. They have brought me comfort when no one else could. I am eternally grateful for Their presence in my life. I feel it is important to share an amazing experience I had a couple weeks ago. In relief society we had a lesson on the hymn, "Where Can I Turn for Peace". Here are the lyrics:
Where can I turn for peace?
Where is my solace
When other sources cease to make me whole?
When, with a wounded heart, anger, or malice
I draw myself apart searching my soul?
Where, when my aching grows?
Where, when I languish?
Where, in my need to know?
Where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand?
He, only One.
He answers privately.
Reaches my reaching.
In my Gethsemane, Savior, and friend.
Gentle, the peace He finds
For my beseeching.
Constant He is, and kind.
Love without end.
This lesson forever changed my life. The Spirit in the room was so strong. It was exactly what I needed to hear at the time. I gained the strength I've been searching a while for from the lesson. I have to thank Amanda for taking the time to prepare the lesson and sharing such an inspired message.
3. Books: I am grateful for books. I am grateful for authors who share their amazing talents with the world. I wish I had more free time and that I could read faster because it would only mean I could read more books! Yes, as of lately I've been on a children's literature kick. But who can blame me? They are pure stories that can change your life.
4. Music: There are moments in my life when music is what I need. Sometimes songs just capture exactly what I am feeling and thinking. I have to love the moments that I dance like a fool and sing off key. And I cherish the moments when songs make me cry (in a good way) and give me strength. One song that caught my eye recently is All You Ever by Hunter Hayes (just discovered him and love his voice!). Made me think about a certain part of my life as of lately and whether or not this is how the boy feels I think it reflects a lot of our "relationship" (or whatever you'd classify it as).
5. Friends: When you are a single and going to college friends become your family. I never knew would have guessed that when I left California I would make as many great friends as I have. I am grateful that my best friend, Brittani, is still my best friend. Although we don't talk as much as we wish we could and it's been too long since we last saw each other I know that nothing about our friendship has changed. The friends I have made here in Utah have changed my life forever. They are who I go to when I need a good laugh, a good cry and a partner in crime. I think I may have to dedicate a future post to my friends individually. It would be a lot easier :)
6. Kids: I know I'm a freak and I say it all the time but children are the best and I love them! They are sweet, funny, adorable and sometimes little punks. But I know that I was sent to this earth to meet and work with these amazing human beings. I am astonished everyday by their insights and intelligence. I have much more to learn on this earth from them :)
7. Education: I feel as though I complain about school all of time but these past two weeks have shown me that I need to be grateful for my opportunity to receive an education. During my time teaching a fourth grade class this month I have come to see how all my studying and hard work are paying off. Everything is finally coming together. I feel so at ease with teaching! I have had great moments within the classroom that have strengthened me. I watch as 9-10 year old kids light up at new discoveries. That is what learning and education is all about. That self-discovery and motivation. I can't wait to continue my education for a lifetime.
8. Work: I was blessed when I was first offered my job. I was blessed once again when I was offered an assistant manager position. I have learned how to sacrifice and work hard over the last three years. And although I lost any social life I may have gained not working every weekend night I gained so much more. I have made long-lasting friends that I would not have made otherwise. I have laughed so much and so often I'm pretty sure I have a six-pack hidden beneath my chubby lil tummy. (at least that's my theory hahaha). Those long shifts and late hours have forever changed the course of my life :)
9. Change: I thankful for change. It may not always be the easiest to deal with and at times I may curse it. But I am grateful that hard times change into great times. Tears change to laughter. Weaknesses change to strengths. I have the ability to change and with that I know life can always get better.
10. The little moments: There are so many big moments that happen in life but it's the little moments that I want to remember. One of my assignments over the last couple weeks was to give different students praise notes randomly. I will never forget the look on quiet Leah's face as she read hers. And that huge smile I got as she walked out the door with her note in hand. Or Collin's excitement as I read and we talked about his story. Not to mention is smile and laughter as I gave him a high-five for finishing his story and the pride on his face for his accomplishment. Or the light in Simon's eye when the teacher gave him a new journal. The shock and happiness on Tyler aka Toby's face when I started dancing with him. For my roommate who scraped the ice off my window before she left for school. For my sister who always makes me delicious food and dessert. The little moments make up our lives and to me they are what matter most.
I just had to get my thoughts and feelings out. I have been so overwhelmed with happiness lately and I had to let others know why. I am one happy girl! :)